Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What do flowers, dogs & babies have in common?

Beautiful! They are so beautiful. Beauty in purity and simplicity. Not just dogs, but many other pets as well. (I like to watch dolphins, horses, and bears too.) Not just flowers, but also the mountains, the waters, the meadows, the trees, the rocks, the skies, etc. I enjoy looking at them (for babies - especially when they're asleep). I have so much pleasure just gazing at them.

They tell me that beauty is meant to be a pure gift of life. Just looking at them makes me smile, makes me relax and feel calm. They remind me of the simple joy of life. They tell me that there is yet hope, and that there are still some good worth living and fighting for. They testify that brokenness and pain is not all there is to life. Their beauty typifies vulnerability and tenderness. They bring healing to my heart. I'll always remember the magical moments I had in gazing on the face of my 3-month old niece while she was sleeping, when I first returned from India. Such pure gift from Heaven.

2 Responses:

Anonymous said...

:-) I love nature & animals too.. learning to appreciate the Creator behind them.

Anonymous said...

Healing to your heart... Wow !