Thursday, June 21, 2007

Normal is just a setting on your dryer

"Life often comes at us with TNT force, leaving us emotionally tentative and spiritually bewildered. Our circumstances often don't seem fair and certainly don't appear to be normal.

My quest for normalcy has brought me to the understanding that our commonality is in our abnormality. The good news is that that's ok. We are unique, which beats normal any day. In fact, we are so amazingly designed that God supervised the placement of our inner workings and registered our existence even before we were held for the first time. Then He who formed us takes His involvement a step further and uses our circumstances in our best interests. That leaves us free to embrace the fact that normal... is just a setting on your dryer." -- The last two paragraphs of Patsy Clairmont's book.

2 Responses:

Ms Krong said...

Just like you mentioned, her writing is full of humour! Thanks for sharing that last 2 paragraphs! I really enjoyed having dinner & coffee with you last friday! :D

A seeker of grace and truth said...

Me too! Thk u for the coffee treat!