Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Cries of my heart 1(from my journal '03)

What happens when words don't count anymore!
When everything seems right
When everything seems to be in place
When it's all about business presentation
"Did i make it?" "Do i look good?"
"I wish you/i think I'm fine...that I'm ok
for that makes me feel good, accepted, and respected."

But I can't tell you/i the truth
for it will make you/i feel uneasy...nervous
You/i won't accept it
I didn't tell you/i the truth 'cos you/i didn't want it.
I think you/i can't live with it.
Your/my world holds together only when all is well...
or so you/i would like to think...
It seems unthinkable to people/i to acknowledge
that so much has gone wrong around us...within us...among us

But where does hope come from?
Is it based on the well-being of the people or circumstances?
I/i have been taught that hope is in Christ, from Christ, and through Christ.
I believe. For He is my hope of glory. For He is the Hope of Glory.

But what happens when words don't count anymore?
That it's all in the "art" of communication
We play the game...we learn it...we practice it...
We teach it and we model it...
Who will be the next to join the game?
Who will be the next to quit the game?

What happens...what happens when words don't count anymore?
When what may seem right but what may be wrong
is blurred and it didn't seem to matter!
We think we are right and they are wrong and so we go on.
We go round and round like the boomerang
We go through the motion day by day

Can someone shout out loud...STOP!
May be many are waiting for someone else to do it.
Do I want to join the many
Do I dare to choose otherwise--to be one of that someone--
and be kicked by the many/i for the very thing that they/I truly want...
if only they/I know what they/I truly want...

Truth...Truth...where are You?
Can You be found anymore?
I want to see You...know You.
I know I can--for You live in me.
You are with me--my King, my God, my Master, my Guide, and my Salvation.
My Father and my Jesus and my Counselor.

The world is far bigger than I/i.
And You are far far far greater than all.
You are in-control. You are all-powerful. And You are Love.
So I can face the turmoil, the unrest, the chaos
'cos You are with me...You live within me...
I'm safe...I'm secure...Just being in You...near You...with You.
I can face this day and each day...
being in You, near You, with You--
Yes You--my Hope of Glory. It's all about You.